
A reference company

TEALT is a company established in 1998 that from the very beginning become a reference for Work at Heights Training, Safety Lines Certification and carrying out Work at Heights activities. With the development of the Mobile Telecommunications sector, it expanded its activity by offering tower installation services, antenna mounting services and other associated accessories.

25 years of experience

Specialists in Services for Telecommunications Networks

After 25 years, Tealt is an unavoidable player in the Telecommunications Network Services, providing a wide range of End-to-End services but remaining faithful to the founding spirit and operating on of the most important Work at Height Training Centers.

Ao longo destes anos tem realizado atividades em diversos países com destaque para a Suiça e para o Reino Unido.

We intend to be a leading and reference company in our filed of ​​activity, building a solid future with our customers, employees and partners.

Clients who trust our work

Join our team

We are an experienced team in continuous training

Holding a strong vision in terms of growth and expansion, the correct qualification and excellency of our resources are a vital element of our activities and success.


The willingness to work in team, to learn continuously and a customer centric attitude are the foothold of our team. If you believe that together with TEALT you can make the difference, joint us.

Social Responsibility

A proper and conscious attitude and integration with its community is one of TEALT’s priorities, combining various areas, such as Training, Quality, Health and Safety, Environment Protection, Waste Management, Carbon Footprint Reduction.

  • Total cumprimento das Legislação Laboral e de Segurança no Trabalho

  • Ambiente de Trabalho Seguro com zero acidentes

  • Colaboradores e parceiros formados e detentores das qualificações necessárias

  • Mitigação e redução de todo e qualquer impacto Ambiental decorrente das suas atividades e serviços prestados, em termos de prevenção da produção dos resíduos, poluição e da correta valorização dos resíduos.

Code of Conduct

TEALT’s Code of Conduct defines and implements the guidelines for professional and ethical behaviour which are to be adopted by all Staff, Suppliers and Partners.


Having each stakeholder assuming and enforcing the Code of Conduct is an important factor to achieve full customer, legal and company policy requirements.

Integrated Management

Tealt has implemented an Integrated Management System based on the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards as a way of guaranteeing the quality of its services, the satisfaction of its Employees, Customers and Suppliers, as well as meeting concerns and good practices in terms of Quality, Environment, Health and Safety at Work.
